About Us

Who are we?  That always seems to be a loaded question doesn't it?  Who are we?  To whom???  To our kids we are "Mom and Dad", and "Goofballs".   To our friends and family we are defined differently.  Business associates and casual acquaintances will be different even more.

The thing that we have tried to be to all those people?  Ourselves.  I have spent a portion of my life trying to figure out who everyone else wanted me to be, and that works.... for awhile.  Or until you get two different worlds in the same room.  Who do you gravitate towards?  It caused too much heartache, and lots of years of working to understand Who we belong to, and what He wants us to be.  And Yes, that does mean we are believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.  We acknowledge that when we try to do things on our own way, we often fall out of His will for our lives.  So, after realizing that all God wants is for us to be US, it became so much easier.  You don't have to remember which persona you have used where and when.

Being free in Christ brings so much freedom to life on this earth.  This is what we are passing on to our 6 children.  They are in various stages (toddler, preschooler, elementary, middle, senior high and college), but the confidence they all have in themselves is obvious to anyone who takes more than a minute with them.

As we strive to be healthy, it is not just about the food that we put into our bodies, or the exercise (or lack there of) that we are doing.  It is about becoming healthy on multiple levels:  Spiritual, Physical, Emotional and Mental.  So, not all posts will be on juicing or weight loss, or what food is coming from our kitchen, but how we are doing with all these areas. 

We hope you get to know our family better as you take this journey with us - and believe me, my kids are pretty darn cool - and maybe we'll be blessed by getting to know some of you too!