Monday, July 25, 2011

A Note on Juicing

The juicing part is going well.  Well, sort of....

The Chinese (and many other cultures) believe that the liver does more than just bile production and converting glucose to glycogen. The liver is closely tied to our emotions.  We know that toxins can affect the liver's function.  But what about the toxicity of suppressed emotions?  Where do those toxins go?  Unexpressed or denied emotions can get in the way of our liver functioning properly.  If juicing helps detoxify the liver, then wouldn't it stand to reason that it may knock some of those emotions free when the other toxins are released?

Cherie Calbom, in her book "Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life", talks about the affect that negative thoughts and emotions have on the liver.  That it is the most affected organ in this area and that you should watch for those emotions to pop up when you are working on the liver.

We have noticed that our emotions do get 'slightly off' when we are juice fasting.  And with both of us fasting, it seemed that today was the day.  One of us (me) opened her mouth without really thinking.  Unfortunately, my timing was horrible.  I totally interrupted James' train of thought and prayer on a day when what he was about to do was incredibly important.  He needed all his focus on what he was doing, not figuring out what I was implying.

YUCK!  It lasted all day, and well into the night.  We were finally able to resolve some things that had been previously unresolved, but it wasn't pretty getting there.  So, the lesson of the day is to be aware of your emotions, and be prepared to address them while juicing.

James is hoping to add more on this topic some time in the future.

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