Friday, August 12, 2011

A Little Sweet Goes A Long Way

The kids received some gift cards a while back for Dairy Queen.  Since my two oldest are out today, I decided to go ahead and take the 4 to DQ.  They've been asking for so long, and today, they won!

I am not a big proponent for cheats, because it is too easy to stop completely, but I do acknowledge that I want something 'special' every now and then.   So, the boys got their Blizzards and the littles got a kid sized cone.  While sitting in the restaurant, I decided that I would get a drink.  So I got the frozen cappuccino (a Moolatte).  And shortly afterwards, I was sorry I did.  I just can't do all that sweet anymore.  And I got the small!!  I don't know how people get those large drinks!  My boys, 10 and 12, got the medium blizzards and they both had some to bring home for the freezer.  (I bet it hangs out there for a couple of days.)  And the littles?  Nope - they couldn't finish theirs either.

Now, the good news is that it is one of the few places left where a small feels like plenty.  If you want a little treat, then get a 'little' treat.  Not the family size.  And then listen to your body.  If it starts talking to you (like mine), then maybe next time you want to take a friend to share something with you.  You won't eat too much, and hopefully the time with your friend will be plenty of treat by itself! 

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