Monday, August 1, 2011

A Word About Calories

So, we got on the scale this morning, and I was down 4 pounds and James was down 5.  Okay, not bad.  We both feel like this was real weight loss since it was a week, and since we took a break over the weekend. 

But we were surprised it wasn't a few more.  "Hmmm...maybe we didn't get enough calories", James suggested.  Really?  We felt fine.  I never felt hungry.  Except for that one day of fogginess I really thought everything was cool.

I decided to figure it out anyway.  Heck, with all the calorie counting websites out there, it should be fast, and then we would know - you know, just in case we were getting "too many".  It was easy enough since we stuck to 2 basic juices two times a day each (4 juices total) and a salad for dinner. 

We know how these things work.  Too many calories in, you gain weight.  Too few calories in, and your body holds on to everything thinking you are in a time of famine.  I couldn't believe the results.  And, I am very embarrassed to admit this next part.   Not only were we on the light side of the calorie count, we were incredibly low!  Most days, we were only getting 750 calories!  On the two days we added avocado, we got more, but not substantially.

Now, I was impressed with the weight loss we had.  Any weight loss with that few calories seemed like a huge success.  But I was more surprised at how I felt all week.  Like I said, I never felt hungry.  I had energy and wasn't falling asleep on the couch at night.  My skin was clearer, and had a much healthier look to it.  And all these things are true for James too.  

So, we stopped and re-evaluated what we were doing. We made some shifts, and new plans.  I look forward to what this week has in store for us.

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